
Team Lead/ Project Manager

Grow your Work pipelines & Career. We do the legwork.

We will be your Growth Partner.

Collaborate & Grow: Collaborate with Freelancers or Agencies on large/ complex projects, and earn more while growing your Career.

Or Operate independently: Work on independent assignments for flexibility & freedom.

Grow your Business Funnel: Enhance your Work pipelines by gaining access to large/ complex Jobs via Platform-based delivery.

Improve Customer Satisfaction: Establish visibility & strong control on your projects, and ensure that your Customers and your Execution team are always aligned. Drive up Customer satisfaction.

Stay aligned on PM Best practices: In your projects’ execution, always stay aligned to widely-accepted Project Management methods.

Manage your relationships: Establish and maintain relationships with your preferred partners – Like managing your LinkedIn Connections.

Handle Payment worries: Minimize Payment overdues on your Projects, with Cycle-based payments.

Your life and career are completely in your hands, on GigsBoard.

Ensure timely payments for completed work

Be confident of receiving payments for your team’s completed work, in a timely manner.

After the Project is solutioned and the Release Plan is generated, Project execution on GigsBoard is performed in Cycles, with a pre-determined set of Project components being scheduled for delivery in each Execution cycle.

Your payments and your team’s payments corresponding to each Project component will be released to you at the end of each Execution Cycle, for those Project components that have been accepted by your Business Customer.

On the other hand, if any of your team’s delivered Project components have been rejected by the Business Customer team, then the payments corresponding to those Project components will be held back inside the GigsBoard workflow, and released to you and your team when you actually deliver the Project components successfully, possibly in one of the subsequent Execution Cycles.

This mechanism ensures that you and your team will receive payments for completed Project components in a timely fashion, while also assuring your Customers that they would not need to pay for incomplete work.

Acceptance or Rejection of Project components will be performed only in line with the Acceptance criteria previously defined for each Project component.

Manage your hard-won Business relationships

GigsBoard enables Users to tag their ‘Preferred Network’ partners on the system.

This would enable faster & more efficient User searches, Team invitations, & Project invitations involving these preferred partners.

Manage your Projects more effectively

GigsBoard has built-in Structured Requirements & Acceptance criteria definition mechanisms at the initial Project definition stage, and then later at the post-Contract Solutioning stage, so that Expectations mismatches may be avoided between the Business Customer team and the Project Execution team.

GigsBoard also has built-in Agile/ Scrum framework to enable Cycle-based project delivery.This means that the scope for each Execution Cycle is fixed, and the Project Execution team can focus on a specific set of Project components during each Cycle and work to complete these.

Further, GigsBoard has built-in Kanban Boards & cards at the Jobs/ Contracts level as well as at Contract Cycles/ Tasks level, which enables a single Source of truth to be implemented across the Business Customer team and the Project Execution team, using the Project Management data repository. The Project Standup meetings and Project reporting are all developed/ initiated based off this same data repository, so that there is no loss of visibility, data integrity, and project control at any project stage or for any User type.

Finally, GigsBoard has a pre-defined set of Project Execution & Governance dashboards & reports that enable strong summarization & control of projects status at any point of time during the project lifecycle.

Bottomline: GigsBoard enables all Project Users to always maintain deep visibility and strong control of their projects, leveraging the multitude of mechanisms built into the platform, such as the Agile/ Scrum framework, the Kanban Boards, and the Dashboards/ Reports system.

Work on your career growth

GigsBoard supports Leads & Project Managers in their aspirations towards career growth.

You have the ability to contribute to and be part of larger and more complex assignments, deliver successfully, and prove your capabilities, as you grow in your career.

What’s even more important is: GigsBoard is aligned to traditional Project Management methodologies, so you are fully aligned with the professional career paths as well.

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