
Early-stage Startups

Build your MVP predictably & Cost-effectively. No worries about IP losses.

We will enable your Tech Growth strategy.

Engage Contracted teams and build your MVPs – quickly, predictably, and cost-effectively.

Flexible Talent models: Validate/ Test your ideas and concepts using Freelancers via the ‘Freelanced work’ model, or build your MVP or Product using the ‘Outsourced work’ or ‘Crowdsourced work’ models.

Intellectual Property: Decompose your overall Product into atomic components, and execute as separate Jobs to retain control of your Intellectual property.

Faster to Market: Leverage LEAN principles to build and deploy your Product up to 40% faster.

Cost reduction: Leverage the Agile-enabled Requirements management system, the Cycle-based Delivery process, and the Pay-as-you-go mechanism to ensure that you drive up to 60% Cost savings.

Project Control: You are always in control of your Projects. With GigsBoard, you have an almost real-time Visual Project management system, and further enabled with intelligent Dashboards & reports.

Structured with Agile/ Scrum & Kanban, so that you always stay in control of your work.

Build your Project teams on demand

Build your Project teams with almost-zero lead time.

Your teams may be:

  • In-house: From within your Startup.
  • Contracted: Engage an Agency or a virtual team of Freelancers, for executing your MVP or Component build.
  • Freelanced: Engage an independent Freelancer to build individual Components.

You can:

  • Leverage the built-in “Preferred Networks” feature to add team members that you already know and trust.
  • Use the “Best Persons for the Job” feature to search for the most suitable team members for your Job from the GigsBoard database.
  • The “Best Persons for the Job” can allow you to search for team members based on a variety of attributes such as: Work domain, Industry domain, skills and certifications, match to your job complexity, and even operating timezone.

Since your Project execution is now “fully remote”, your talent pool spans the entire world.

Improve Time-to-Market by upto 40%

Traditionally, engagement of your MVP Tech team can take a minimum of 2-3 months.

With GigsBoard, you can cut this duration down to a matter of weeks, saving significant time on work commencement.

Further, with the built-in Structured Requirements and Acceptance criteria definition, GigsBoard minimizes the potential for expectation mismatches and disputes in scope/ deliverables, as the project execution progresses.

Finally, with the Agile/ Scrum Cycles-based deliveries, you will be receiving incremental packages that would serve to assure you that your project is progressing on the right path – and if not, give you adequate lead time to devise and enforce corrective action plans.

The bottomline outcome being: Significant savings on overall project definition & execution lead times, enabling you to get your product/ service to your End Users up to 40% faster.

Pay only for 'Accepted' work

With GigsBoard’s Cycles-based delivery model, you will receive incremental packages during every Execution cycle, corresponding to the Project components that have been scheduled to be delivered in that Cycle.

You will have the opportunity to review and validate each package received, and “Accept” each package.

If you ‘Reject’ any package, then that Project component goes back to the Project Execution team for rework, and you do not pay for that Project Component at this point.

Only when you ‘Accept’ a package, will that specific Project component be deemed as ‘completed’, and the payment released to the Project Execution team.

Further, your acceptance or rejection of a Project Component package will be based on the previously defined and agreed Acceptance criteria, which would minimize the potential for expectations mismatches & disputes.

Reduce Project costs by upto 60%

GigsBoard leverages the Competitive bidding approach used by most Freelancing platforms, to help drive down prices for the Business Users of the platform.

In any traditional model, the engagement and onboarding of the project execution teams takes considerable time. Further, the resources may not all be available at the project commencement time, leading to time delays and sunk costs.

GigsBoard, with its on-demand team building, and ability to include non-Agency resources instantaneously into an Agency team or a virtual Freelancers’ team, eliminates this lead time requirement, and thus eliminates the delays and sunk costs.

The bottomline outcome being: Significant savings on overall project costing and on sunk costs attributed to the Project team formation, enabling you to complete your projects up to 60% cheaper.

Manage your Preferred Partner relationships

GigsBoard enables Users to tag their ‘Preferred Network’ partners on the system.

This would enable faster & more efficient User searches, Team invitations, & Project invitations involving these preferred partners.

Always retain control of your projects

GigsBoard has built-in Structured Requirements & Acceptance criteria definition mechanisms at the initial Project definition stage, and then later at the post-Contract Solutioning stage, so that Expectations mismatches may be avoided between the Business Customer team and the Project Execution team.

GigsBoard also has built-in Agile/ Scrum framework to enable Cycle-based project delivery.This means that the scope for each Execution Cycle is fixed, and the Project Execution team can focus on a specific set of Project components during each Cycle and work to complete these.

Further, GigsBoard has built-in Kanban Boards & cards at the Jobs/ Contracts level as well as at Contract Cycles/ Tasks level, which enables a single Source of truth to be implemented across the Business Customer team and the Project Execution team, using the Project Management data repository. The Project Standup meetings and Project reporting are all developed/ initiated based off this same data repository, so that there is no loss of visibility, data integrity, and project control at any project stage or for any User type.

Finally, GigsBoard has a pre-defined set of Project Execution & Governance dashboards & reports that enable strong summarization & control of projects status at any point of time during the project lifecycle.

Bottomline: GigsBoard enables all Project Users to always maintain deep visibility and strong control of their projects, leveraging the multitude of mechanisms built into the platform, such as the Agile/ Scrum framework, the Kanban Boards, and the Dashboards/ Reports system.

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